Lees: Pharmaceutical Marketers’ Guide to Managing through the Coronavirus Pandemic [aanbevolen]


Leestijd: 2 minuten

R.J. Lewis, chef van E-healthcare Solutions en auteur van het Pharma Marketing Network, schreef een lezenswaardig artikel over de consequenties van de Coronacrisis voor farmamarketeers. Om het meteen een gids te noemen is wat megalomaan maar dat kennen we van de Amerikaanse vakbroeders en -zusters. Maar het artikel bevat een aantal elementen die ook voor deze contreien food for thought bieden. Lees maar eens mee.


The first case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) was reported in Wuhan, China in 2019.This highly contagious and easily transmitted respiratory illness is now a world-wide pandemic and a U.S. State of Emergency.

The size, scale and contagion rates of the COVID-19 pandemic are unprecedented new terrain for our healthcare systems and governments to properly manage. What the infected counts appear to be today are likely far worse in reality as it is spreading exponentially, estimated to be doubling every few days. Things become even more hazy due to the fact that COVID-19 can remain dormant for up to two weeks before any symptoms are apparent, that is if they even become apparent, as every human carrier reacts differently.

In a highly divided and politicized world, this virus, in a strange way, may bring us back to our common humanity by giving us a life-or-death mission on which to focus. The world is rallying behind Pharma, the lab companies, scientists, infectious disease doctors and researchers who are all working around the clock to find a preventative vaccine, distribute economical testing, and even potentially find a treatment or cure if possible. We are all rooting for you in these efforts, and applaud the cooperation and selflessness being demonstrated.

The practicing healthcare practitioners on the frontline that are selflessly putting themselves in harm’s way to treat others are true heroes during this crisis.

As pharmaceutical marketers, this crisis introduces significant unique challenges. The main engine of pharmaceutical sales & promotion, the face-to-face, on-the-ground pharmaceutical detail representatives are, and will continue to be, stuck at home for an indefinite period of time. You are probably reading this article while working from home, as much of the nation is doing right now, with no clear idea of when we may get back to normalcy. These are unusual times. In case you think I’m overreacting, let’s take stock of where are we right now on an industry-wide basis. As of this writing:

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