It’s a wrap [event]

Bevlogen Gen-Z’ers, haperende mentimeters, creatieve ingevingen, lauwe bitterballen, activistische Gen-X’ers, zevenvinkerige invalshoeken, onzekere pubers, te grote reservoirs, te weinig huisartsen, fraaie simulaties, prijswinnende campagnes, zoekende Millennials, nieuwe websites…. het kwam gisteren allemaal langs op een zeer geslaagde Marketing in Farma LIVE!! Wait… what? Oh dat wordt dus nu InFarma LIVE!! Want het platform heet vanaf nu InFarma. Look ’n feel opgefrist… helemaal leuk.

Later meer over het evenement van 7 december!

* verplicht veld

Viatris | Business Intelligence Analyst

Every day, we rise to the challenge to make a difference and here’s how the Business Analyst role will make an impact:   Key responsibilities for…

Novartis | Customer Engagement Manager Dermatology

As Customer Engagement Manager, you will be responsible for key account management aligned with Priority Squad targets including managing specific account(s)/relationships. You will also manage…

Galderma | Brand Manager Prescription

Galderma Benelux is looking for a Brand Manager to join our Prescription team in Breda. The role is hybrid and gives you the flexibility to…